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We are living in a time of kairos, a time of grace: Pope Francis' call for the Synod – an important moment for the whole Church, a moment of prayer, conviviality, reflection. The first session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod will take place from October 4 to 29, 2023, in Rome, in which the Synod Delegates will participate.

On the 30th of September, the creation of new cardinals will take place, at night there will be a vigil (Together – Meeting of the People of God) and on the 1st of October, a moment of conviviality. There will be 451 synod representatives, 358 with voice and vote, 83 advisors, 242 bishops and 126 (non-bishops). Brazil will have 13 representatives among bishops, lay people and experts. There was a large participation of the Church of Brazil: out of 279 dioceses, the CNBB commission received 261 reports, which is equivalent to 93% participation, which is considered an excellent result. In several dioceses, many significant moments took place: Assemblies, group work, moments of prayer, face-to-face advisory services, lives etc... , which will take place from September 30 to October 29, 2023.

Together (Meeting of the People of God) will be an ecumenical prayer vigil, with the presence of Pope Francis and representatives of different Churches, to unite us in praise and silence, listening to the Word. Young people between 18 and 35 years old from all over Europe, from all ecclesial denominations, are invited every weekend, from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, and will be welcomed for this time of sharing, to 'travel' together as the people of God. And we, under the blessings of Mother Aparecida, will be united with an ardent heart, for all those who will be in Rome, motivating our communities, pastorals, movements to listen to the Word of God, in prayer, in vigil as a sign communion, unity and participation.

May Our Lady Mother Aparecida help us to be sensitive, committed, to embrace, understand and live synodality.

Sr. Selma Aparecida de Souza, sjbp

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