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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

The joy of family reunion!

We, Pastorinha Sisters of the Jesus Bom Pastor Province, headquartered in Caxias do Sul/RS – Brazil, gathered in Assembly from December 27th to 31st, 2021. Joy was stamped on everyone's faces, for having the opportunity to meet find, after two years without face-to-face meetings. The meeting was rich in communications, both from the different teams and from the sisters of the communities.

Vocational animation team meeting

Preceding the Assembly, on December 27, during the day, there was a meeting of the sisters of the extended team of the Vocation Animation Service of the Province. It was a wealth to share the journey and initiatives that took place in each location, even during the pandemic, with face-to-face and online meetings with the youth. In addition to evaluating their journey, the team made the schedule to continue sowing and helping each young person to discover God's dream for their life.

Share on the 8th Interchapter of the Congregation

Also on December 27, at night, the official opening of the Assembly took place. With joy we received the message from the Superior General, Sr. Aminta S. Puentes and other Sisters, Cooperators and friends.

In the first part of the Assembly, through Sr. Adriana Cortelini, Provincial Superior, we experienced the review of the 8th Interchapter, which took place online in the month of September. This important meeting took place with moments of prayer, study, and group study , with profound contents, which put us in communion with the journey of the Congregation in the world. In the group work, starting from the Interchapter, the lights and challenges were pointed out, as well as ways to apply the same intuitions to the life and mission of the Pastorelle in our reality.

A beautiful and heartfelt prayerful moment was the presentation and delivery of the SAPIENTIAL READING OF THE PASTORAL CHARISMA (LSC) Project. This strengthened the hope and the commitment to carry out a fruitful deepening of our charism.

Quadrennium report and change of the Government team

The government team that was concluding its term presented the Quadrennium Report to us, sharing the initiatives and generating joy in the awareness that despite the pandemic, so many activities were carried out and with great creativity. We felt how the loving hand of God the Shepherd led our steps with tenderness and vigor.

In addition, the economic report for the four-year period was presented, as well as other matters concerning the life of the Province: health monitoring, the journey of Casa Jesus Bom Pastor and Escola Jesus Bom Pastor, a summary of the journey of the Associação Cooperadores Paulinos AJBP. All this permeated by the life and participation of the Sisters present; it gladdened our hearts to perceive “the hand of the Lord” guiding our steps.

At the end of the afternoon of the 29th, in a community celebration, we experienced the change of Provincial Government team. It was simple, sober, but loaded with meaning, emphasizing the dimension of service, with the attitudes of the Good Shepherd and the symbol of light and the staff. Let yourself be enlightened and be light to shepherd in the way of Jesus the Good Shepherd, who knows, loves and gives his life for his sheep. We would like to thank Sisters Adriana Cortelini, Provincial Superior, and Sisters Inês Postal, Rejane Maria Deluchi, Marlene de Souza and Suzimara B. de Almeida, councilors, for their service over the four years. We welcome with tenderness and a spirit of co-responsibility the new government team: Sr. Vanda T. Bisato, new Provincial Superior and the Sisters: Eunice Grespan, Isabel Breda, Marlene de Souza and Suzimara B. de Almeida, councilors who begin their service to the next quadrennium.

Memories of the Path

Another significant moment was the “Memories of the path” night, in which the responsible team presented us with the project for the Provincial Museum and the narration of the history of the objects. Several Sisters participated recalling the story. There was joy and admiration on the part of the older Sisters, as they were able to recall past events, and also the younger ones, for being able to learn about older experiences.

Planning – towards the future

On the 30th, after a brief formation on the 2022 Fraternity Campaign, with Sr. Angela Soldera, the 2022 planning was started, in a participatory way, taking up what the communities suggested in the evaluation of the quadrennium, as well as what emerged from the reflections in Assembly and the 8th Interchapter.

On the last day, the plan was resumed, for possible corrections and a final vote, which was unanimously approved. In small groups there was an evaluation of the Assembly, which proved to be very satisfactory, given everything that happened, from preparation to the end in all aspects.

Conclusion and Celebration of Jubilees

The Assembly ended with the Eucharistic celebration, where the jubilees of religious profession were celebrated: 25 years of Sr. Suzimara B. de Almeida, 50 years of the Sisters Irani Munari, Ilda Conte, Maria Helena Santa Catarina and Maria Hetzler and 60 years of the Sisters Adriana Cortelini, Alba Bellançon, Beatriz Festa, Gema Signor, Lilian Dal Santo and Iolanda Agliardi. It was a very heartfelt celebration, experienced full of joy and gratitude. There was no lack of a rich festive lunch.

Our gratitude, first of all, to Jesus Good Shepherd, to the priests who came to celebrate with us these days: Fr. Ricardo Fontana, Fr. Tadeu Libardi, Fr. Arno Brustolin and Fr. Marcelo Carvalho, to all who accompanied us with their prayers, especially the Cooperators Paulines.

We are grateful to the Lord for everything!

Sr. Albina Bosio, sjbp

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