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The second phase of the 5th Provincial Chapter

Writer's picture: Suore PastorelleSuore Pastorelle

On the Feast of the Holy Innocents in the octave of Christmas marked the beginning of the second phase of the 5th Provincial Chapter of the Philippine-Australia-Saipan-Taiwan Province. The Eucharistic Celebration was presided over by the Provincial Superior of the Society of Saint Paul, Rev. Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite. He encouraged us that we need to respond not to the people of 100 years ago but to the men and women of today. Thus, in every chapter, there is a need to go back to the basics: personal sanctification and leading the people entrusted to our care with the heart of the Good Shepherd. We also need to be reminded of the reason why we were founded so as to respond to the signs of the times in creative fidelity.

We were arranged in discernment groups with these names: sandals, axe, pouch, pebbles, lamp, cloak, rod, staff, food, and water. These are the paraphernalia used by the Shepherd in carrying out his responsibility as a shepherd.


We considered the General objective of the sexennial 2023-2029 and the commentary, the Report of the Superior general and the Economic-administrative report of the past six years. We are grateful for the congregational journey and the guidance of the Good Shepherd in every step of this journey. We also considered the Guidelines for the General Programmation, elaborated by the General government, especially on the Modality of implementation on the levels of the community and the individual sister.


In our personal work and the group sharing, in view of synodality, we utilized the modality of the conversation in the Spirit which consisted of reflection, silence, listening, discerning and, following a precise time for the intervals of silence and sharing, giving a chance for each sister to share.


Grateful for the presence of the Holy Trinity, we were reminded to invite Him into our conversation with the Spirit, we experienced reflection, listening, discerning, and detachment in order to make the passage from the “I” to the “we”. We are grateful too for the experience of fraternal sharing, the simplicity of relationship, the climate of prayer and listening to God and to one another.


The Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Rev. Fr. Danilo Lim, OCD, concluded the Second phase of the 5th Provincial Chapter.  We offered to the Lord the fruits of our Chapter work and with renewed trust and confidence, we are hopeful that He will continue to mold us in His love and mercy.

Sr Saturnina Caccam, sjbp

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