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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

VII Provincial Chapter – 1st Phase

In the last days of the year, from the 27th to the 31st of December, the Pastorelle Sisters of the Padre Alberione Province, based in São Paulo, gathered at Casa do Jardim, to celebrate the First Phase of the VII Provincial Chapter, in preparation for the 10th General Chapter , which will take place next June in Rome – Italy, in addition to planning the year 2023.

Each Pastorelle brought in her heart questions and hopes of the time and reality in which they are inserted and the situation of the Province and of the Congregation.

This Chapter has the theme: “By rejoicing in the wisdom reading of the Charism, we become integrated, missionary and vocational communities”, highlighting the terms “Rejoicing” and “we become”.

At the opening Mass, presided over by Father Claudiano, Provincial Superior of the Pauline Fathers, he spoke of the importance of this event, not only for the Congregation, but for the Church and Society. This is the moment to review the path and direction of our pastoral mission.

In the afternoon of spirituality, assisted by Sr. Rosa Ramalho, fsp, we contemplate the Icon of Mary – the woman of silence – and her three attitudes: joy, gratitude and trust in the fulfillment of God's promises in history. God performs what he promises.

We also contemplate the action of the Spirit, guiding the Pastorelle to be a joyful witness of the vocation, living with wisdom, perseverance and fidelity, even when small and big daily sacrifices are required. We are called to pastoral motherhood, to take care of the weaknesses and poverty of this time with a close, compassionate and tender heart, in the style of the Good Shepherd – this is the program!

Certain that the Holy Spirit will guide the Congregation and give the graces that all need, the Pastorelle Sisters walk towards the 10th. General Chapter in discernment of the new time, in solidarity with the sufferings and anxieties of humanity.

Sr. Seli Rico, sjbp

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