Living the Mission and Vocation in the Church, sharing friendship in Intercongregationality is a blessing! This is how the experience of another vocational missionary week is defined, held at the Paróquia Cristo Rei, in the city of Marau/RS, with its 53 communities. It is a work proposal of the Capuchin Friars of the Province of Rio Grande do Sul, already in its IX realization. We Pastorelle Sisters from the two Provinces, based in Caxias do Sul/RS and São Paulo, participated in this event that brought together more than 1,500 people, mostly young people from the parish of Cristo Rei and other parishes in the State, administered by the Capuchin Friars: Santa Maria, Pelotas, Caxias do Sul, Vacaria among others.

The week took place in a participatory, dynamic and organized way. We were more than 45 missionaries distributed among schools and communities. Sr. Rosilene was part of the School Teams. Sr. Isabel and Sr. Eunice were part of the community teams. In addition to the people of the communities, the interior and the city, the work also reached more than 4 thousand students. It was quite demanding, but fruitful due to the receptivity of the proposed proposal: to reflect on the meaning of life and the importance of elaborating a Life Project.
There were intense moments in the morning and afternoon, with catechists, schools and the entire community, always ending with a Eucharistic Celebration. The night with different activities, both in the neighborhood communities and in the Matrix.
The entire Vocational Week converged on the Vocational Day, on Sunday, August 20th, with a significant participation of people, mostly young people. The event began in the Gruta Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, with the reception of caravans coming from different cities and the people of the parish community. After praying the Marian rosary, the walk began with three moments of reflection during the stops: Vocation, Grace and Mission, heading to the parish hall where the young people of the TAU04 Group and the Capuchin formands enlivened those present with music and presentation. There was also a moment of Eucharistic Adoration and blessing with the Blessed Sacrament. After a stop for shared lunch, the Eucharistic Celebration continued, presided over by the Archbishop of Passo Fundo, Archbishop Rodolfo Weber, thus ending the IX Vocational Day. The parish of Imaculada Conceição, in Caxias do Sul, was selected for the X Vocational Journey in 2024.
An expressive moment of Vocational Culture was experienced, as a motivation for each person to live their calling. Participating in this moment was GRACE, LIFE and PRAYER that made our hearts burn and set us on the path of continuing the missions together, the partnerships between us and with the Church, in the different expressions of the Charisms.
Immense gratitude to the Capuchin Friars, for the opportunity, in the person of the Friars: Bruno, Laercio and Marcelo and for the families that welcomed us. For everything we give thanks to God. May the Good Shepherd illuminate and guide everyone's path.
Sr. Rosilene de Lima and Sr. Eunice Grespan, sjbp