The Catholic Church in Australia celebrates National Vocations Awareness Week in August, coinciding with the feast of our country's first saint: St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. This year it occurred from August 7-14.

At Loyola College where Sr Nelia works as College-Home-Parish Liaison Person, the event was highlighted with a Vocations Awareness Week for students in the College. Opportunities were created each day of the week for students from years 10 to 12 to explore the meaning of vocations and to reflect on our call as baptised Christians to discern the unique path of life that God calls us in order for us to best live as disciples of Jesus in the world.
Guest speakers from different walks of life, including two newly ordained priests, were invited to address the students and engage in conversation with them. Three Pastorelle sisters, Candida, Ignacia and Doreen were among the speakers. Each, sharing from their lived experience, endeavoured to enlighten the students on the meaning of “vocation” and leading them to consider how God may be calling them. As Doreen concluded, “any response remains on the gentle urging of the Holy Spirit”.
Sr. Mary La Bruna, sjbp