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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Work in progress

That's right! Work in progress!

A time of research and discovery, of knowledge and collaboration, but above all a precious time of meetings that have initiated new relationships through which it was possible to take a few small steps inside the Chapel of Medicine of Santa Agostina Pietrantoni at the Policlinico Umberto I: a place that for several years has been a meeting point for young university students and teachers, remained closed for various reasons and now reopened and entrusted to us Pastorelle for the various activities that will gradually be possible to propose in collaboration with the other educational presences within the University Pastoral Project of the Diocese of Rome.

While we are taking the first steps to make ourselves known, we created a very simple event in December with particular attention to the theme of health and marginalization: "He saw him ... and took care of him" (Lc 10, 33.34) - Reflections and testimonies… listening to poverty - organized in collaboration with Caritas of Rome - Health Area.

Alongside this reality, all to be invented and built, the commitment and care of the study rooms for university students open in the premises of the Parish of St. Thomas More is continuing. This is also a place to welcome young university students so that they can live in fraternity and share the time of study, broaden friendships and build new relationships that are increasingly open to interculturality. We Pastorelle are entrusted with the task of accompanying this experience and above all being with the children to share a little of their time and join us in their experiences. Particular attention should be paid to the off-site who overlook the parish and who slowly try to integrate and find a home in relationships and in the places where we grow together.

Another area in which we try to be present is the whole complex world of chaplaincies and university residences around which many students and teachers revolve with whom we try to collaborate and interact for the various initiatives that the Diocesan Office for Culture and Pastoral Universitaria offers throughout the year.

A broad and open perspective that requires waiting, patience and a long time to get to know, make proposals and understand how to accompany the paths that open up and that require closeness and creativity.

We thank the Lord for this new experience of pastoral care which, through the parish priest Fr Andrea Lonardo - also Director of the Diocesan Office for Culture and the University - has been entrusted to our Congregation for a service aimed at young university students.

We look forward with confidence in the search for the right steps to respond to the project that the Good Shepherd has placed in our hands and for which we are called to offer time and energy.

Sr. Rosa Tucci, Sr. Lina Santantonio and Sr. Sara Buccarella

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