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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Annual Celebration of Christ the King Youth Day

The Diocesan Youth Ministry of the Commission on Youth Apostolate in the Diocese of San Fernando of La Union, Philippines celebrated the 16th h Annual Celebration of Christ the King Youth Day (CKYD) last November 12, 2022 at St. Isidore the Farmer Parish, Corro-oy, Santol, La Union with the Theme: “It, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him. (Rom. 6:8). It is an aspect of the Christian faith, that invite young people to be alive in Christ as they continue to heed the call of the Church toward a renewed ministry among the young and reflecting on the invitation towards a more synodal and missionary youth ministry.

The event was attended by more than four hundred young people from 28 Parishes and 15 Schools within the Diocese. There was a climate of joy and festivity since it was the first face to face youth event during the post-pandemic. The host Parish prepared some surprises for the participants.

The program officially started with a Morning Prayer, followed by a group yell, and some group animations. Then there were sharing given by our Guest Speakers: Bro. Bret Jan P. Michael Boadilla (Foundations of Mission); Bro. James R. Balderas (BEC and Mission); Bro. Carlo Emil N. Boado (Therese and Francis: Models of Mission); and Bro. Dexter L. Rivera (Missionary Experience). The day ended with the Eucharistic Celebration presided by Most. Rev. Daniel O. Presto, Bishop of La Union.

According to the participants, the event was a blast, since most of them are first timer participants of CKYD.

“It’s a great privileged to be part of this historic occasion. It makes us more conscious in the mission entrusted to us, as youth ministers. Truly, we are empowered. The event also reminds everyone that serving, loving, and enjoying God with our fellow youth is the best freedom in the world.” (Dionas Idrish Credo)

“I feel so blessed and thankful for this event. I had so many realizations as an individual and I met a lot of people with interesting and inspiring stories. Right now, I am motivated to encourage more youth to join the ministry, at the same time I am invited to be more courageous and to always trust in God’s plan.” (Anna Maria J. Nalica)

Truly, while the pandemic led the world to experience death in various ways, we hold on to the Truth Who is Christ: He is alive! And He calls us, youth of today, to renewed life through Him, with Him, and in Him amidst the many situations that discourage and dishearten. Living in Him, we are able to give life to the world, especially the young.

Sr Julie Gonzalo and Sr Naema Alim

San Fernando community

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