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Journeying together as community

We are grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to come together as a Province for our Annual Provincial Assembly held from December 29-31, 2024, at the Provincialate in New Manila, Quezon City. The assembly provided a space for us to gather as a community to listen, reflect, share, and pray together on matters essential to our Congregational journey. We were organized into groups according to the year of our first profession, so we also revisited our journey together during our formative years, reflecting on our dreams, struggles, and current situation. The sisters in Australia participated through the Zoom platform.

Sr. Amparo Hilot, the Provincial Vicar, welcomed everyone at the start of the Assembly. Sr. Purisima Tanedo, the Provincial Superior, shared greetings from Sr. Aminta Sarmiento Puentes, the Superior General, wishing us a fruitful encounter as we listen to the Holy Spirit.


The main theme of the first day was “Health is Wealth.” Dr. Maria Concepcion Gungon, an endocrinologist, spoke on Diabetes Mellitus, its symptoms, prevention, effects, and complications. Dr. Socorro Martinez, a neurologist, discussed Alzheimer's disease—the aging brain, its stages, warning signs, and how to support people suffering from this illness. Both talks were enlightening and engaging, helping us become more aware of the need to be attentive to our behavior, including sleeping, eating, communicating, socializing, carrying out our apostolate, and even praying. The saying "Health is wealth" emphasizes the importance of prevention. Just as wealth needs to be managed, protected, and nurtured, so does our health.


On the second day, we had a “Dialogue with the newly appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Cubao,” Most Reverend Elias Ayuban Jr., DD. In his sharing, he emphasized that community is a gift, a task to achieve, and the first place of our mission as religious. He challenged us to continuously qualify our witness as a community. In the afternoon, Sr. Purisima gave an echo on “The Consecrated Life in Community,” a topic shared by Sr. Milena Stevani, FMA, during the 10th General Chapter. We had group sharing on what could support the personal and community process that leads to more integrated communities. Each group presented thoughtful and inspiring suggestions, contributing to a rich exchange of insights.


On the last day, Sr. Vilana Laluan, Provincial Treasurer, echoed Bishop Broderick Pabillo’s reflection during the Convention of Religious Treasurers on the key elements of stewardship: Identity, Gratitude, Generosity, and Transparency. "Everything we possess comes from God. The money we hold is not ours to keep, but a resource meant to be shared with others." Sr. Vilana also updated us on the financial status of the Province.


We connected online with Sr. Aminta and the sisters attending the Formators’Course in Albano. We are grateful for the opportunity to greet each other through social communication.


Sr. Purisima and Sr. Amparo also shared their visit to the Diocese of Tanjung Selor in Indonesia. We were motivated to pray for and listen to what the Holy Spirit tells us regarding our future presence in Indonesia.


The Assembly concluded with a reflective sharing by Sr. Purisima on Psalm 23, with the challenge: "The most precious thing is not what I have in my life, but who I have in my life." A few minutes before the start of the New Year, we remembered each Pastorella before the Eucharistic Shepherd.

The Junior sisters: Mila Rose Abenis, Bea Collados and Emilyn Palma

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