Jesus Good Shepherd Development Center in Lingayen, Pangasinan celebrated its 24th Founding Anniversary last February 4, 2022 with the theme: “JGSDC journeying together with Communion, Participation and Mission”. On the same day, our grade 3 pupils received Jesus for the first time as they have their First Holy Communion. The Holy Mass was presided by Rev. Fr. Genaro Herramia, Parish Priest of the Epiphany of the Lord Co-Cathedral Parish. Due to the pandemic, the celebration was participated only by some sisters, teaching and non-teaching staff, Parents Council Organization (PCO), parents or guardians and the communicants. However, the celebration was live through the Facebook page so that the whole school community can join.
Part of the activity was the Raffle Draw, a fund raising activity initiated by the officers of the PCO. This fund raising activity was intended for the purchase of Electronic Alcohol Dispenser in preparation for the face to face classes next school year. The whole day celebration was ended with a simple lunch together with the PCO officers.
We are grateful to God for His watchful guidance to Jesus Good Shepherd Development Center community for the past 24 years of grace and mercy especially during this trying time of the pandemic. Indeed, it was all because of God’s love that we were able to reach this year of grace. We continue to entrust to Jesus Good Shepherd our committed and understanding teachers and staff, our supportive parents and pupils for their unwavering trust and wholehearted cooperation in bringing about whatever God has started in us for the common good and all the Pastorelle Sisters of their love, prayers and support to make this event a successful one.
Sr. Florentina Bataclan, sjbp